Tips and ideas on how to teach more effectively and approach ESL teaching.
Literacy Minnesota - video trainings: Training videos for volunteer adult education teachers.
Intercambio Resource Hub: Teaching tips for ESL instruction.
FluentU: Blog for teaching tips (also interspersed with advertisements for their language learning app, FluentU).
Learning materials and lesson plans.
Woodward English: Lesson planning and learning resources.
Using English: Lesson plans, worksheets, a quiz creator, and articles on teaching.
British Council: Contains interactive lessons, exercises, tests, grammar explanations and much more for the English learner.
Learning Chocolate: Interactive vocabulary exercises.
ISL Collective: Teachers sharing worksheets with other teachers. Free registration allows downloading anything you want.
Dave's ESL Café: Lesson plans (check out the games section for fun activities!), grammar lessons, idioms, phrasal verbs, slang, and quizzes. Everything is under the Resources tab at the top right.
Newsela: sign up with a free account and choose Littleton/Bemis Pl as your institution. As a teacher, you can assign students to read articles.
Special resources for teaching literacy to low-literacy students.
Bow Valley College ESL Literacy Readers
Atlas Literacy for Adult Learners
Literacy Minnesota Phonics workbooks